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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

lightning and electrical energy


During the rainy season, through a fairly complicated process, charge separation occurs within a cloud, so that the positive charges move to the top of the cloud while negative charge stays below

Such transfer will cause an electric field inside the cloud. In addition, the negative charge at the base of the clouds refused to free electrons that exist underneath. As a result, the T becomes positively charged, due to induction. It will be formed an electric field and other potential between the cloud base and earth. So, appears an electric field between the electrons are repelled from the region T, with a positive charge at the top of the cloud.

The more positive charge that moves upward, the electric field under a cloud becomes stronger. This goes on until it reaches a critical level of ionization of air which begin to break down.Ionization occurs as the first time on the top roof of a building or tree tops, and sometimes appear as bluish light.

When the electric field is strong enough, lightning will immediately grabbed from cloud to earth. A lightning strike consists of a charge transfer from 0.2 to 20 coulombs, with the potential / voltage differential reaches hundreds of millions of volts. The speed of each stroke peaked around one or two microseconds and then drops by half within 40 μs. What is usually seen as a lightning strike, actually consists of several strike that followed each other in a very rapid timeframe. Total time release can last for 200 ms. The release also occurred between the positive with a negative flow in the cloud, rather than between the cloud base and ground. Thunder sounds generated supersonic wave riding. Lightning is caused by expansion of air around the lightning seized.


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